ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

I’d say possibly one of Zone and Ice and Kiiruma.

Sorry, are you saying one of Zone and Ice with Hazard? (Genuine question)

Hazard / Jake / Guava

Me omw to kill both my partners for towncred

No. Kiiruma. Hazard is a pl ossibility too but not as likely as Kiiruma.

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Icet/Kiiruma is… possible, I suppose
But I really think in a t!Simon world both Hazard and Jake are evil


Why Jake?

so you know what’s really cool

Hazard is scum with me if Simon is scum and Hazard is scum with me if Simon isn’t scum

Zone/Kiiruma/Hazard actually has some merit to it now that Zone is tunnelling Leafia instead of doing like anything else

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Jake has been a huge advocate for not killing Hazard with his vote, although he claims he didn’t care which of Eliza and Hazard died on day 1

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Hmmm, good point.

Like what Guava is saying

Hazard Evil!!!
Like what Ashlyn said

Hazard is Evil again!!!

Like what I’ve been basically advocating the whole game?!?

Hazard is Evil!

I’m noticing a common pattern that Hazard is Evil and even if they are good they should go to clear worlds VOTE: Hazard

You cannot deny the amount of times everyone has called Hazard Evil aside from Jake and Kiiruma and despite that

the self meta-er
I have to post this first


You literally asked me to give you world where CD is town
It feels like you were baiting me into saying Hazard is evil so you had an excuse to vote him :sob::sob: like you can just vote Hazard Icet it’s okay

it takes a village

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Self meta means nothing but the argument against me also meant nothing so it was okay

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So like, Icet, what do you think the scum team is if Simon were to flip scum