ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

I was hoping you could explain why you think that though
Because rn I could be very very wrong and the scum team could be you Hazard and someone else and you’re not really helping

…why do you bring this up now

Overall Eliza didn’t have much going in their favor during my overview of their ISO, as compared to Hazard’s ISO which I liked much more.

Cuz CD mentioned looking into the Eliza voters and I was like “wait who even voted Eliza anyway”

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Assuming this means “people who voted after Arctic”, then that would mean beancat, Jaiden, and myself.

I switched my vote for a meme, and apparently this was not enough to convince guava that I am not joking, so if you don’t believe that then I guess I also switched because I pitied Hazard; I don’t want him to die in his sleep without any chance to talk back.

Did you think that hazard was scummy?

So you, Zone, and CD are the scum team then. Understood.

CD isn’t town. Nearly 100% certain of it.

Yeah. This is fair enough.VOTE: Corrupted

I’ll admit that it isn’t completely impossible for Zone and I to be T/T.

This made me laugh IRL. Laughs

I doubt anyone here would’ve shot CD N1 as scum if CD is town. Also, I’m giving you a townread here. It’ll change to a townlock if CD flips scum like I think he will.

I agree with this if the wish was given to CD. I half expected to get it last night honestly.

Apology accepted.

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We’ve discussed reads when Hazard flips Town but what about when Simon flips Town

If Simon flips town my reads are gonna like completely flip
In a Simon town world I think the scum team is Hazard/Jake/???

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thanks for seeing my light

I also think that you’re (Icet) probably town if Simon is

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I can’t wait for the game to flip

I still think that Leafia is town if Simon is town though despite voting CD with me and Jake, because on top of my preexisting read she was more willing to vote her own push of Zone than just hop on CD with Jake and me

see how relatable my reads become when Simon flips town

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My main thing is I have no clue who the scum with Hazard and Jake is in a t!Simon world

This is honestly a good idea just in case.

@Corrupted_Dreamer I’m srry too if I upset you in any way yesterday.

If CD flips town, Ice’s scum equity will skyrocket for me.

I lowkey don’t think Zoneand Ice are w/w though. That just feels too easy to be real.

Oh wait Kiiruma’s in the game lol
But also I think there was a reason that I thought Kiiruma/Hazard wasn’t w/w
I should probably find that

My scum equity already skyrocketed for you :smile:

Who are Icet’s partners in a t!Simon world?
Because I cannot see Icet/Hazard if I’m being completely honest but if Simon is town I’m like locking Hazard as a scum