ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze


Hazardwaste (3): Ashlyn, IcetFeelsPain, Corrupted_Dreamer
IcetFeelsPain (3): Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Leafia
Corrupted_Dreamer (2): JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama

Neither of the people on the CD wagon want to vote Icet, but two of the people on the Icet wagon donā€™t want Hazard to die
Iā€™m just gonna leave that there as a statement with no call to action whatsoever

is there anything i could read from them that shows these points or is this just generally

Good to know that you donā€™ remember anything from Icy.

Yes they do.

This honestly feels like itā€™s trying to guide us to potentially misexe D3.

Iā€™m a Leafeon. Not a cat.

How is it a slip of any kind?

Nevermind. Just looked at the OP.

Not even close and you know it. It was because I found you scummy. The fakeness of the townslip had less than nothing to do with my scumread on you.

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team is exactly Jake/Icet/Hazard/Guava

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Iā€™ve said something similar today!

Also, I think the chances of Kiiruma/Hazard being w/w are pretty low right now. I donā€™t think Kiiruma would defend a wolfbuddy like this and I should know. Iā€™ve wolved with him before and I canā€™t recall one game where he was a wolf and defended a wolfbuddy the way he defended Hazard.

Hazardwaste (3): Ashlyn, IcetFeelsPain, Corrupted_Dreamer
IcetFeelsPain (3): Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Leafia
Corrupted_Dreamer (2): JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama
Zone_Q11 (1): beancat
Leafia (1): Zone_Q11

Not Voting (1): Jaiden

I donā€™t mean to make myself susā€¦

Butā€¦ me and Chleb in Insurgency FM?
I used my ability and then made it into a townread scenario for us both


ā€¦interesting opener

shitposting callout on Jake who has 0 votes at this point
not bad

honestly not a bad first thought to have at Arctic

I agree with this callout, although I do have the feeling itā€™s looking too deep
This is def towny tho

The more and more Iā€™m on MU the more I get used to these kinds of drop reads that are somehow very confident
Iā€™m not fully used to them yet

Again a towny attitude here, wanting easier reads and waiting for things to get clearer on scummmy slots


Yea I like this slot a lot
Theyā€™re a little too sure for my tastes but eh


mmmmm I donā€™t really like this one
This was the reason they wanted 2/4 of their reads dead

and uh
they donā€™t have anything else

TL;DR: I like their D1, but their d2 is kinda sketch how quick they pivoted from ā€œoh kill shitposting slotsā€ to ā€œidk why yall killed no-voting elizaā€

They seem busy but probably going to be helpful to have around one way or another

VOTE: Hazard

Is Hazard asleep

Thatā€™s the one I meant and it isnā€™t the same as this game. It doesnā€™t feel the same anyway as you didnā€™t rely defend any of us and Chloe was generally townread thanks partially due to Marshal that game claiming masons with her. You didnā€™t have much to do with that.

Iā€¦ no, the mason claims were you and Marshal.
Not chleb.

Chleb was townread due to me using my judge ability and then letting Chleb shine in self defence.

yā€™all. can we not

Appears to be

No. I was claiming masons with App while Marshal claimed masons with Chloe.

Thatā€™s the real reason she was townread.

Heading out to charge my phone up now. :sleepingleafeon:

i mean
maybe for the second and third points?
but i just got out of therapy and am in class until 5:15, which is 15 minutes after day ends so i cant really offer too much

fucking screaming
never remind me of this game again
(also i was masons with SDA in this)