ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts πŸ€“ <- katze

VOTE: Hazard



Click the hammer button and type the name of the person you’re voting inside it


VOTE: Hazard



glad you know the plan

How about we vote someone other than Hazard?
Just asking for a concerned friend.

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whos the someone

I dunno, one of the other choices.

would you sacrifice yourself for Hazard

Maybe? Like, I think he’s town.
But I think I can probably carry us 2 better.

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morning :musical_note:

true I’d rather you live over Hazard

hey y’all i just looked over icet’s iso and like

can we fail to kill them and hazard today? thx

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I agree with at least half of this.

Thought you were asking us to execute both of them today :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

Yes, use the genie’s wish so we can exe 2 people.

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Speaking of the genie, who tf had the wish and didn’t use it