if you can’t explain a read then there’s no reason why we should trust it and therefore it should be treated as equivalent to not having a read
they are social reads
A social read is “this person is town because of “this”.
why is it called a read
because you read a person as a certain alignment
based of their posts
seth this sounds like sounds like an excuse to give more cred to your reads without having to explain why you have them for logical reasons
if your game is busted by giving players agency then there’s some issues in setup design
nothing happens on a day 1 without an execution
Yeah that’s the point of this series, when u join u know there’ll be some unfair bs
There wasn’t enough unfair bs imo
I mean that doesn’t excuse questionable game design
Next time there shld be a mafia who’s secretly town
Why didn’t I get the suprise evil role that would have been funny
Shaking my head
clock tower has dumb bull shit but it’s fun because you can play around it
in theory at least
I mean everyone knew that the enemy withins are meme and heavily bastard.
If u spoon a scorpion you can’t complain about getting stung.
you literally play botc
That’s different
no it’s not
it is literally marionette
Is botc the same as botf
In that game whispers exist