Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

I don’t know if Moll remembers any games we played on BotC Unofficial but I was like this a lot there. It’s the same thing. Overwhelmed. Not doing anything. I got in trouble for stalling votes a bunch

I was disinterested because my interested was dis. I don’t know a lot. Nobody is talking. I can’t play this like BotC and I can’t play it like mafia

So you know Moll. What do you know about Moll? They cite some confidence in their own abilities, they’ve played BotC and this very script before. Have you played FYF together? If not, what sort of player is Moll?

You can always play it like Mafia, especially when most conduct is public this game.

I’ve never played FYF before. If I had I’d feel a lot more comfortable here. I don’t remember a lot about Moll because I’m bad at attaching memories to names. I can maybe check what games we played together to see if that stirs anything

If that would help raise your spirits.

But nobody is doing anything. Everybody’s making arbitrary nominations and voting on all of them. And I don’t have the willpower to take initiative and get readable content

I dunno how to find old games on the Unofficial. We played together. I remember Moll was maybe evil once? I think I was evil against Moll once?

Are arbitrary votes and nominations more likely to come from town or mafia? Is stating reluctance to execute, or turning back on that later and voting anyway, goodsided or evilsided behaviour?

It could easily come from either, I genuinely don’t know! Going back on reluctance to execute mildly implies not Minion with Demon nominated. But it’s hard

Like nominations are protown to have. It moces the game forward. But individually evils wanna make them to control who gets nominated and look like they’re moving the game

So in that case, players who nominate purely for the sake of nominating without directly advocating for anybody’s death is in that prospective evil range? As well as anybody who just doesn’t really proactively lead votes at all, since they’re limiting the town’s voting ability.

I appreciate that you’re trying to hold this conversation with me but I am just like not mentally keeping up I’m sorry

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Noted. You’re all good, one’s own health should come first in all aspects. I hope your condition doesn’t worsen, and that you get well soon. :ghosthug:

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At this point, I think it’s impossible to cast votes for execution.

Magnus / Pandora / Jarek / Bionic / Prisma / +1 would need to stack, I don’t think anyone else will be online by EOD except possibly May or Mistyx (if xe intends to use her ability.)

What do you think of Kii?

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im not actually trying to kill magnus in particular. melanie insurance

Good question. I don’t think Moll / Kiiruma still works anymore, particularly since they talked about exchanging claims — this puts them into a hole together which would be needless and undesirable as a wolf pair.

With that said, Kiiruma did individually defend himself from scrutiny without really explaining away the apparent contradiction in his behaviour. His early actions are inconsistent, and the latter half don’t greatly improve things from there. Acceding that he was busy definitely raises his stock, since that’s what I observed, but putting a cloud cover over that is strange. It’s the opposite of what May did.

I think Kiiruma is something, not necessarily innately evil.

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Then I think nominating Magnus was a bold move. Like you’re trying to get the high posters out as evil
But executions don’t stop people from posting so I don’t actually know how to feel about this

i just picked someone im ngl