FAM 3: Host Jeopardy

What is hosts give me a prize wolves are gonna kill me n1 I want sometning fun

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woosers don’t win

Gimme Ici for 400

Too late rick


We are going to die

wait what happened to katze 300 i dont think anyone picked it

That is 550 total if I get it. And a lead. Nice

Will this end til Eod anyways?

I ate it

For dinner

It’s fine

im gonna be real i dont think i care about this enough to miss eod and its gonna last til then probably

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removed for the betterment of humanity


im literally in the office sitting oppposite my boss at some point they’re gonna sk me what im doing furiosuly typing

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you two need to choose your category and point value

can we concede or nah

there’s still 2 hours you big baby

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