FAM 3: Host Jeopardy

actually yes concede do it now

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give me the win

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im doing one more shot then going for a nap

everyone should concede but me

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sorry idk why that didnā€™t show up for me

Ici 400: This series was born after Tetsuya Nomura had a very panicked conversation in an elevator.

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if me and italy win town and mafia both get a prize so everyone is happy so you guys should just concede

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strategically decide who to concede for to let win

everyone concede except litten and atlas

due by xx:01 (01 good 02 bad)

i dont have to put the arete hat on this time yay

Tetsuya is likeā€¦ final fantasy, kingdoms heartsā€¦ probably something else?

Bu seriesā€¦

wait i might know this one

What is kingdom hearts?


uf everyone but me and arctic concede the lost wolf gets a prize and thats very funny

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fuck i was gunna steal

Jaiden and Arctic, choose your category/etc.

consider the following

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I was gonna guess some random manga because I had no idea who that was

How do you know these things