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I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :smiling_face:


if there was a wolf in here they’d be using this to pocket us by hyperposting


I have a computer and i’m ready to get this bread

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OK so on my long drive I was thinking. MIxed a bit, but still, thinking.


  • My initial impression was that he’s whole thing with Nutella was kinda nagl
  • As I thought about it I came around to a TR though, I think, for a few reasons
  • I think his whole ‘you’ve wolfsided the whole game’ was kinda a towny dig that didn’t really help him at all if he’s a wolf, given it’s probably not true. I think it seemed more like a towny lash out?
  • Pushing the consensus null/scummy slots seems like a very vanilla approach to a lategame where a vanilla approach seems kinda unlikely to help from what i’ve seen, but also… I reckon he’d be much more likely to go that route as town here. You know, crunch out the scummy slots just in case then go from there. Whereas as wolf i feel like he’d be a bit spicier?

So i’d prob call him kinda towny?

I always believe Nut to be one to be trusted when they feel super strongly on something, so… yeah… it’s kinda one of those things where you’ll need to check that out further I guess? I think in an ideal world if you are still super sure he’s scum - see what happens once those final few ‘POE’ slots are pushed out, then see what he comes up with… he’s gr8 as town so if he is town and is pushed over at least that’ll leave a good legacy, probably


OK, now with Ash, unlike Insomnia where I probably came away with a bit of a V stance, this was a bit more mixed…

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From what i’ve gathered, they’ve had like 5 main pushes/itas, two on evo, one on a scum early on, and the cape slot. And apocry early on. And only the cape slot was scum, with Apocry unflipped. From what i’m reading this kind of posting style (kinda like, candid, short posts) is just them as a player for the most part, so i’m trying to parse through their content with that in mind…

Like I said earlier I thought they were:

  • Kinda jokey in a towny way early
  • But this kept going a lot lol

So I was struggling with whether a wolf would’ve felt more inclined to get on the solving train earlier. From what I gathered the first thing they pushed was Apocry early on, which kinda felt odd lol. I’d go so far as to say i’d be exploring that further should one flip scum lol.

Granted Ash does push Litten too, but it kinda felt like baseless/empty at the time.

As I was reflecting I kinda don’t really think I have a lot of reasons to call this slot town? Like the pushes they made were all kinda not really allowing me to think where they were coming from and it isn’t towny
like this:

‘I don’t know how I feel about 5/7’??? Why not? And they were later (or earlier) proposing that they’ve been so towny when it comes to their ability use, so why aren’t they lapping up being extra towny in their eyes? Are they worried that they will be considered too town lol?

So yeah i’m more aligned with this slot being a wolf read than Insomnia. I’d call Litten somewhat likely to be town and Apocry worth looking into, if Ash is a wolf.


Worth noting yet again that i haven’t played with Ash, so back yourselves on that one too ofc… which is a given given i am reading a lot without full context etc., but yeah that’s my take for now.

Gonna keep reading some isos and stuff and see where I get to.

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who is Silviu?

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Youbutworse bit of a town read tbh
(+arctic said so)

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I hear Achro is lock town meta? Very well.

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The more townreads I get/people I read, the more I think Ash should die


Atlas listed Zone/Apocry as POE, i’ll focus them next. If I come back with a bit of a tr like insom then i’ll think

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Hmm. Apocr seems to be doing the “there’s a deep wolf” but not really putting an answer forward that I can see

Even though I don’t think that’s like what I would be doing in that situation, it’s apparently the meta at the moment as both alignments. Like as a wolf people don’t wanna have to push wolf reads that are controversial and as a town, a bit of the same/don’t want the shame of pushing an obv villa I guess.

I think what probably makes me town lean them is where they break this pattern to an extent by sussing Leafia against Achro’s town read on leafia and then saying “i think they’re town but also…”. Looks more like a town who’s scared of being wrong but still wants to share a view.

So Apocr towny too…

I just had a super quick squiz of Zone’s final thread ISO and seems kind of super town from a glance…? EG

Why is he POE? I wouldn’t kill him atm.

Summary so far

Wouldn’t kill rn:
Jane (haven’t read at all but apparently town KP)

would kill:

everyone else haven’t looked at. I was going to look at Benguin/Jane. I see Atlas lists Benguin as town; Tutuu as town role. I’ll check for lost wolf equity. I’m looking at who shot EVO and Benguine was one. Jane is apparently town KP that killed wolf. I’ll trust that for now, so will go back and add that to the list


Who i’ll check before finishing up:


Y’all confident on each other being town? Why is Nutella a townlean? I won’t make reads on each of you but i’m just considering my newfound insom v read against who y’all have listed as townlean, Atlas, and nut was one.

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I think i’ll leave Wazza actually, this one will be up to y’all. So will do Jarek and Benguine.

Hmm Benguine interesting one. Seems like a lower poster? Thread 4 - pretty minimalstic. Thread 1 - minimal content. It’s all super tame and agreeable. Read on Creature (wolf) that was kinda defending him then saying he could be town. Then randomly “I see the light on creature” and voting him at EOD? Hmm, wouldn’t call that good.

Rest of the ISO - lots of mech talk. Not really making many reads? questioning whether cop checks can be trusted.

I’m not really seeing a lot I wanna call town atm. May be a meta thing? I come away with not a wolf read but also not with a town read either?

Like literally all of his takes are hedges. Between the creature take and this type of stuff

it’s hard to see where i’m not sure on playstyle versus not giving any pushes or opinions lol??? Y’all need to educate me on this one.

Otherwise POE tbh.


Ok similar to Zone, I skimmed a few of Jarek’s posts in the final thread and he seems pretty clear town

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Would NOT kill rn:
tuutuu/atlas seem towny from hood?
Jane (haven’t read at all but apparently town KP)

Worth looking at? Haven’t read at all, but so I hear:

would consider killing but can’t tell if sussing playstyle? all hedges and no investment

WOULD kill:

everyone else:
i’m told is mech clear or haven’t looked.

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