FAM 3 - ❂ Prize Neighborhood ❂

Ok that’s me done, a few hours given to random hood in random game

I hope it’s not too terrible lol. Trust yourselves, you’re part of a good town in a good position! You got this


‘a few’ like 4 smh i’m a goose

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We appreciate u JOHN CARTER, we’ll carry your legacy to victory :heart:

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All g fams
Even if everything I said is wrong I hope it at least helps with something lol

I guess ultimately I only came away with one wolf read and one “I sus this but it’s probably playstyle difference” read so :joy:

I did feel p decently about those town reads tho so glgl if this goes deeper… some sort of mech misclear perhaps then?

This was fun tho, I’m garn sleep and this’ll be closed when I wake up so I want y’all to win :trophy:

I’ll be watching, embrace your own swag levels over mine if in doubt



did y’all see the post by litten
i mostly agree but i just want to get your opinion

im mildly considered chloe might be a wolf or litten just dropped his entire moral compass but
thats stuff for f10
i think ashlyn is just v because she’d be trying harder and a dealmaker is the only real way she’d be w

actually i just thought of something
so we know
theres a wolf that steals charges
theres a wolf that osu!'s people
and there’s the n3 inheritance vig

wouldn’t that mean 3 wolves alive?
especially because arc was obviously v and they stole his charges

actually not litten
it was chloe’s reward

i read it yeah

i dont agree fully with it but i need to go along with it because i cant communicate with hazard

i wanted to peek zoneq11 but now i cant

that peek list sucks

who u think is a good peek

i cant peek apo, YBW, nutella (due to hazard’s original list, despite chloe and litten’s message) and now sadly zoneq11 too

if i die could you guys relay this message to litten and chloe

i appreciate and thank them for their help if they’re town, but they had whole day to give their input on night actions

interjecting between mine and hazard’s agreement during the night phase is just an unnecessary chaos. especially when neither me nor hazard can communicate

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(just clarifying in case u missed it - i asked hazard to give me a list of 3 names that they will think of killing. so i know who not to peek. they gave me the list of nutella, apo, YBW. nobody interjected during the day)

chloe and litten suggesting to hazard to not kill nutella - i agree, cool. hazard will kill apo anyway its clear. but expanding the kill list with zoneq11 - i think that was a mistake. they also put zoneq11 with 3 stars, as they could be both osu role and vig. they themselves also said that they’re top priority to resolve. they havent shot a wolf too iirc. so let me peek them cmon lol why take that away from me

i think you should just go for zone
im pretty sure apo will get voided and zone was only listed as a replacement, there’s not really much better players to pick that arent on the vig list

i also think its highly likely hazard will kill apo but its not guaranteed. there is a non-zero risk that he listens to them and kills zone. since that message lists zone as bigger priority to kill than apo. i dont like risks. so i need to go with not zone. theres a world where i peek zone town and hazard is set up to kill them. thats really really bad lol

there’s only one vaguely okay target on that list and its nutella
and thats ignoring all socials and mech

i cant go for nutella because hazard originally wanted to kill her

and i have no guarantee that he will listen to their message

i dont even have guarantee that hazard will read that message. he could not read it and not check thread during night

(which is why its better to discuss these things during the day :slight_smile: )

yes, it was a pretty terrible idea