FAM 3 - ❂ Prize Neighborhood ❂

just will giver yeah and i receive what ppl have put in them so far on subsequent nights, and im whysper (it’s funny i was also whysper last year)

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this is a scum role
the reviewer counterpart is benguinedparbecue

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oh right i remember you said that
i think you might actually be able to get scum to out via that

i.e if someone has literally no last will or puts “you guys got me, gg” or some equivalent

i thought about this but they are told it’s possible they can get received/read so prob not


have you got anything interesting so far

yea ig that can’t be pack wolf technically could be lw but lol

just achros read on magnus n2

and nobody else has updated their thing

cape was next and died before putting anything in it but even if my n2 was alive i wouldn’t get it til end of tonight

and the reviewer for the reviewer’s decisions is specchat
so make of that as you will

aka the reviewer has a mech incentive to agree with the designer, which means they are way less likely to be w/w
the reviewer gains ita chances permanently

*if the setup is passed

btw any last minute suggestions for n3 will recipient
i subbed jane bc im going for ppl with good reads but maybe should be someone more likely to die
it feels like an ability that is very unlikely to have an impact regardless lol

*to die during day or next night, someone dying on the same night wont get it

oh right im boosting winds ita by a whole FIVE PERCENT!!!

because its the only valid recipient that could actually use it and is townread

it could be interesting to hear their thoughts anyway
but maybe i’d go for litten for cred? its up to you

he has chloe to give the actual last will but do people want a vulgard 2022 situation again