FAM 4: Event Thread


Im gonna ask preemptively

ok fair enough i loose fuck

Round 3.2:

@Achromatic vs. @Someone

Achromatic submitted: Boomers
Someone submitted: Boomers

Tie! Please resubmit ASAP!

Use the uno reverse card

I don’t really read I just enter a flow state

I’m pretty sure I had submitted Boomer before I even registered the text was different. Like I looked at the text but I didn’t register it

oh that is fair

Rounds 3.3 - 3.69:

@Achromatic vs. @Someone

Achromatic submitted: Boomers
Someone submitted: Boomers

Tie! Please resubmit ASAP!

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like when ur in the zone

omg we will unlock round 4


Round 3.70:

@Achromatic vs. @Someone

Achromatic submitted: Joycat
Someone submitted: Boomers

Achromatic wins!

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achro is a liar and a coward

I want to go play trails get rekt

wtf we could have reached round 4 :sob:

you may all return to thread! A prize will be sent to the winner shortly

And the event ends!