FAM 4: Event Thread

oh cool ty

you have to use all numbers

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I didn’t calculate the theoretical best answer, I just made the numbers up on the spot :joy_cat:


Is there guranteed a perfect solution>?

everyone will get the same numbers, they will be posted in this thread

As it was used in an example, I’m assuming non-integer numbers are allowed (E.G: 85.5)


I’m guessing integers are given, answers needn’t be integers

it is fine if the answer you come up with at the end is not an integer, however all of the numbers provided will be integers

Will they be positive integers?

You can divide an odd number to bring it better into range of the other number

bumping this (if it was answered already uhhhhhhh oops)

also, just for absolute clarity, you can’t just squish the numbers together to make a new number, so like if 2 and 7 are numbers, you can’t squish them into 27

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Is unary minus allowed?

eg (5,7) → -5*7

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you can change it, I’ll take the last answer you submit before deadline

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only + - * and /

Oh yeah I meant to ask about concatination too, ty

yes (I’m counting it under subtraction even if you’re technically not subtracting anything)

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