FAM 4: Event Thread

you can also Google what a Fermi estimation technique is if you want

sending in role card or Discord DM are both fine


do we DM you or send it in the rolecard

Am I allowed to ask context questions. Like. How often do you have these games

Can I skim the forum to get an estimate

This is an unfair question I’ve never heard of fortress of lies in my life

either is fine

neil the eel

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fermi estimation technique be like

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oh i love tennis

…sure (but remember that there is a time limit)

which is in 1 minute

isn’t that like

I’m just using the current level of FAM activity to guess which may be wildly misleading me

I actively chose not to look around anywhere on the forums as I thought that was research lol

I had to use my braincells what the hell

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don’t hurt yourself :sob:

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i remember what the statistics were based on how many posts i’ve read

WHAT? Was looking at the forums not researrch??

I tried looking at the forum but I didn’t understand the website enough to be able to find where I could see, like, the number of posts that existed

its 4 am, i am kinda hungry