FAM 4: Event Thread

i assumed actually looking at the archives would be research

I might eat an entire eel

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I went and checked something after I submitted the answer and I fucked up


I thought past year meant from jan 1st onwards so I submitted an answer smaller than a cookie thread

if ig et this wrong i am demoted from mod


wait shit I misread the question

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oh fuck me lmao i forgot the cookie thread existed and made my estimate solely on game threads

I thought past year was this year not since halfway through 2023

god dammit

jet lag

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I estimated purely based on cookie thread and then I realised how wrong I was :joy_cat:

Me and Wazza misreading the question, misunderstanding the rules and submitting completely wrong answers: :handshake:


hey I mean if we all suck, we won’t be right

Wait was looking on the forums research

i submitted way too low on my range

jet lag

I most likely undershot as well.

I imagine so??