FAM 4: Event Thread

Finally speaking in the Event Thread when I’m supposed to.


  1. @SirDerpsAlot
  2. @Atlas
  3. @Ash
  4. @May
  5. @nutella
  6. @gori
  7. @dyachei
  8. @Kelsier
  9. @Memekingpizza
  10. @Baudib1
  11. @crazynuto
  12. @Hallia

Does anyone have questions?

Walks in

Oh god I don’t know half of you

Knock knock

meow meow. meow meow meow meow? meow meow! :3

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do we submit fun fact via role pm?

We gotta come up with a fun fact that everyone else guesses, so can we post the fun fact here?

We submit our facts in our role channels, correct?

Everybody ready to play Atlas Wins?


m gonna be honest i didnt rea the event beyond ‘fnu facts’ i just read Event and joined

Sounds like me

Role PM or Discord DM are both fine

I read it after I joined

You want no one (except you) to guess!

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if no one has any more questions, send in your facts in the next 5 minutes (:02 good, :03 bad)

Wait what is 02 good 03 bad

2 good 3 bad?

THe time 1:02 good 1:03 bad (or whatever timezone you are)