FAM 4: Event Thread

Ah gotcha

[cut to people in India being extremely confused]

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am here

huh I didnt even know +x:30 timezones existed tbh

15 and 45 ones do too



Im going to chose to pretend those are fake tho


ill watch this after my meeting im in rn while I eat lunch


Wait how

Actually makes sense nvm

The following fun facts were submitted:

I sprained my right knee at least a year and a half ago and it still gives me trouble
me and may had a fight in KRC over zugzwangā€™s home community
I have tracked over 150 games of botc on a spread sheet and have other stats on it about botc.
I have never climbed a mountain
i once taught my crush how to ask their crush out
Iv been a part of FoL since before the current site existed
i find collecting posters interesting, half of mine room is filled with 'em
I have been a beta reader for 4 fantasy novels written by a fellow mafia player
Iā€™m allergic to Epoxy
I have heterochromia and a split left earlobe.
I have been in a marching band that was hosted in Disney World and Disney Land. Also I can play the clarinet.
iā€™ve been in a movie

Please submit your guesses privately in your rolecards or via Discord message. To make processing easier, I prefer that you submit it in the following format, using playersā€™ exact usernames, without numbers, and without pings:

[username for fun fact 1]
[username for fun fact 2]

For example, if you think the first fun fact was submitted by Arete, the second by notblackorwhite, and the third by lilith, you would submit:


If you do not use this format, your answers will still be scored, but it will take longer. Submit your guesses in the next ten minutes (:17 good, :18 bad)

  1. @SirDerpsAlot
  2. @Atlas
  3. @Ash
  4. @May
  5. @nutella
  6. @gori
  7. @dyachei
  8. @Kelsier
  9. @Memekingpizza
  10. @Baudib1
  11. @crazynuto
  12. @Hallia

I almost submitted a lie before remembering that, like, thereā€™s stakes here and I canā€™t just lie because it sounds good

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I also had trouble coming up with anything because Iā€™ve said everything here 1000 times already

Reminds me of a guy in one of my classes who lied that he was named after a Twilight character because he couldnā€™t think of any interesting facts.

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I was named after an entry in a baby name book


The lie was gonna be that Iā€™ve fallen off a roof and was fine. Iā€™ve had a lot of injuries that shouldā€™ve been more severe and I like hanging out on the roof and Iā€™m sure Iā€™dve been fine if I fell off the roof of my high school friendā€™s house but that never happened


I couldā€™ve just submitted some generic bullshit but I wanted it to be fair play

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