FAM 4: Event Thread

This game is boring if everybody submits “I’ve never climbed a mountain”


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… any chance that was you?

no it wasnt!

Sure whatever u say

Damn cause I guessed it

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but i did put you as that and i’m a bit miffed cause i changed you last second

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Also i soent a solid 3 mins thinking about a fun fact


I also almost submitted something about cheating on AP exams but that would narrow me down as american



Annoyinf part is i couldnt find anything that wasnt very generic or would be outed easily since my name

Here were the right answers:

Player Fact
Atlas I sprained my right knee at least a year and a half ago and it still gives me trouble
gori me and may had a fight in KRC over zugzwang’s home community
Memekingpizza I have tracked over 150 games of botc on a spread sheet and have other stats on it about botc.
Baudib1 I have never climbed a mountain
Ash i once taught my crush how to ask their crush out
SirDerpsAlot Iv been a part of FoL since before the current site existed
Kelsier i find collecting posters interesting, half of mine room is filled with 'em
nutella I have been a beta reader for 4 fantasy novels written by a fellow mafia player
Hallia I’m allergic to Epoxy
May I have heterochromia and a split left earlobe.
crazynuto I have been in a marching band that was hosted in Disney World and Disney Land. Also I can play the clarinet.
dyachei i’ve been in a movie

You may all return to the thread!

prizes will be sent once I’ve finished tallying

Oh, I went 1/12.

i got like 2 right

0 correct answers

Lul ima go back to studying cyall last exam is tmr gl

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Not even your own?

Good luck!


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