FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Yeah, Litten can get a townlean from me for now. That’s how I’d expect v!him to react here.

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town atlas just plag- takes inspiration from arctic. alot. at least from what I remember (i dont remember)

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That’s the neat part: I don’t.

I don’t have enough memory capacity to remember 50+ people, let alone 20+ people. So instead I just focus on whatever posts catches my interest, and [literally anyone interacting with me].

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I would probably ISO A to see if they had ever like, actually given thoughts on B
because if A was townreading B prior, A is probably scum
but if they didn’t have thoughts or were scumreading them prior, then it’s NAI, maybe town indicative depending on the player

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VOTE: lol

Reason: Red check

Hello all and GL, looking forward to this.

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I am town

Any other reads
Who’s the wolfiest person rn

This is the way


i dont think i’m posting weird :joy_cat:
why is jarek v?

VOTE: Leafia

What do you mean by this?

hey kiiruma!

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The person you’re interacting with glgl

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nutella might be wolfing
they’ve only really read vulgard but decided to… sheep me on jaiden like 10 minutes after the game started? when they found their own suspicion? not a fan tbh

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I be like that sometimes

uh oh, arctic wolfing