FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

What do you mean by this?

hey kiiruma!

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The person you’re interacting with glgl

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nutella might be wolfing
they’ve only really read vulgard but decided to… sheep me on jaiden like 10 minutes after the game started? when they found their own suspicion? not a fan tbh

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I be like that sometimes

uh oh, arctic wolfing

I still don’t get why people heart posts


Your posting just feels like a completely different player, you are not posting a lot, you are beint very careful with how you post, and very reserved

i want a mor free flowing leafia

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I haven’t seen anyone all that wolfy yet to be honest.


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This is how I always am Litten.

FoL gave me an error when I tried to like this at first which is a hate crime against me

if I wasn’t handcuffed to my own wagon I would vote this

you generally encourage/promote eliza pressing the like button and call attention to it like “look at you go” from my social reads on you outside mafia
and ingame you’ve seen how it effects it and have ~never commented on it then beside “you’re so funny”
it probably frustrates you to an extent internally but the way you phrased it + the timing of you for the first time while also generally being okay with it feels very weird

You have 500 posts to work with and no one is scummy?

can’t tell if this is a serious read or not so i’ll just assume otherwise since you voted nutella like 5 minutes ago

it charges your super, allowing you to strongman once hearting 2000 posts

Yeah but why

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My plan was never to catch up. I am content with living in the past.
(–or so the amnesiac -Zone- says. Sigh.)