FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

So true.

I remember this one game where I correctly scumread 2 wolves and had these epic cases on them, then in MYLO started townreading them both and only pushed town as town

Achro was there… maybe wolf?

In so fucking loopy lol gn

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its a Plurality game and with 58 players votes are near useless on their own

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wittle wooser

Let’s be more specific.

Amelia, Jane and catbae got Marluxion.
It might be important.

how about we don’t

I see

think ybw is vaguely town off that flip
but i could see her as scum townreading a scum whos about to die for minor credit despite the risk

Hmm maybe, but it doesn’t need complexity

why did you think marl was town again
other then ate

oh I didnt know that

thx for letting me know

though all of them could have called it off and they didnt so

btw I skipped 1k posts and see that a mafia member revealed another mafia member

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this game is crazy

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i think the role that did that is definitely scum!sided

Sounds town to me

jarek, I would think that you would be comfy high posting no?

Yes, i know.
I woke up with 2k unred messages.
I don’t know, if it’s worth reading them now, or not.
I’m not Zenon.

zenon you’re stuck in the past a mafia’s dead

There’s no way you think that was a real post and not a joke trolling you.

I do not believe it.

Jarek’s postcount fluctuates between games.

Oh i saw it i read host pings lol