FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I don’t know rather to think you’re just a wolf targeting me or a town making bad plays.
Nonetheless I’d rather not deal with you tbh.

I think his reentering last night was better but he’s still Townlean.

You just have to ignore his fluff.

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The vibes of the spamming are different

Yea his tone is comfortable but all of his reads are consensey shallow boringness

Does he have any history of being overly-jokey and Hello Fellow Kids as a wolf because i kinda get that vibe from his iso

Yes but like so is existing.

brad is ok for now let him do his thing


@anyone in thread
do you guys like strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla ice cream the most? this is relevant, i swear. (if you pick the wrong one i will deathtunnel you for the next eight minutes.)

Do I really wanna hear more from this?


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Eliza chances of being a wolf rise singificantly if Vulgard is a villager. I remember thinking this before but didn’t say it. Therefore we should shoot @Vulgard in ITA’s tomorrow despite my town read on Vulgard. You don’t oppose this right Vulgard?

The last time I saw him wolf, I was on a team with him and he had his worst game ever (in my opinion), so my opinion is naturally going to be biased. That was a while ago, too.

Between Chocolate or Vanilla.

Instead of stressing and eating myself alive with where i would place my vote today i decided to instead draw you a little dude in the 30 minutes i had


pick one

Why not both. :man_shrugging:

It’s certainly a part of it yeah

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The correct answer is all of them at the same time

Neapolitan Ice Cream is the fucking goat, only beat by Cookies and Cream

as many times as you want

Please no.