FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


you know what
iā€™ve never considered mentally making people do scummy things and then scumreading them for those things as a strategy before but it sounds quite interesting


I can get behind this

Iā€™ve liked Magnusā€™s posts so far

Iā€™m ur worst nightmare

the gay space animals. labour rebranded in 2036 which presumably means its past 2036

African or European?

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Nobody tell him.

Zorvoā€™s posts can be read into a lot should they die, as if Zorvo is a wolf then it allows for us to see people who he was interacting with and see if some things might be unpaired due to posts being in bad faith / Zorvo stretching while trying to push certain perspectives.

itā€™s quite genius tbh

Just spam so much nobody will ever open your iso.


i donā€™t have a dayvig d1

Zenon really is locktown

Or a wolf banking on the insanity of doing such a thing to lock them as town

But thatā€™s wifom and I said I was making level 1 reads this game

Well i am dead tonight so true you are safe once i am gone

Iā€™m 2600 posts behind wanna switch places?

See: What I am doing

Suck it scum gets to me before you can

Achro probably town?

Zenon makes big moves, Iā€™m going to advise you not to rule things out.
As town Zenon has done some fā€™ing bonkers things, such as snapvoting in LyLo.
I would not be surprised if Zenon can do the same vice versa.