FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

this was a fucking awful idea by my point XD

I think this is a good idea. Plus it kinda is what Zorvo was looking for from me.
So in the world where I’m wrong on Zorvo, I’d be happy to at least provide this.
I might do that and my Kiiruma tier list too

to be fair
if I was a wolf I would encourage my wolf mates to vote leafia

Do I need to read brad’s iso

idk i thought he was underwhelming and his analysis felt…perfunctory? like there wasn’t a lot of depth to it, there wasn’t a singular read that resonated with me in a way that made me think it was something he wouldn’t fake

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he’s not dying day 1 and you can probably read him better when he posts more so w/e

me too

Those of you that sit at my table will learn who and what deserves our Judgement.

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The Duchess is real.

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magnus you gotta not go hero syndrome on day 1 of these games

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Was just about to say

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Do you see me voting Chloe?

@Kiiruma Are your ears open to the sermons?

Of course they are. For I am happy to hear you

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skimmed cape iso and eh hes not out of wolfrange but i feel theres enough decent stuff there i wouldnt really pressure fn

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Kiiruma dont join a cult…

Then welcome.

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It’s fine