FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

This is my interpretation of that statement

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Town or mafia?

Nya :3

…? …oh. OH. Now I understand why Chloe, Atlas, and YBW were saying what they said.

I didn’t read this post properly. I thought that “someone” (i.e. anyone) revealed that Marl is Mafia.

Well, yeah. Now it makes sense why they’d think that the mafia received some sort of boon.

It’s still me

Nya :3

@Jane Okay, so by the looks of it, catbae is just a gigachad and he submitted on Marl of his own accord. The thread was actually giving him different targets, but he went with his own read.

This means I am probably not clearing anyone for this, unless something happened in the decisionmaking process of the drone strike voting that should make me want to clear someone.


[quote=“Zenon, post:5964, topic:4993, full:true”]

Nya :3

Marl was rlly strong lol

(I can’t really do it, I failed y’all)

Hi there. :gun:
Mind telling me what paranoia you might have?

Justin Amash?

I rescind my comment on sadbi being sus as that relied on them timiing marl as town




Nya :3

Eliza wolf confirmed

VOTE: Eliza

Imagine randing SK in this game…yikessss