FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

This read is based and true. Atlas can be town.

> Isnā€™t RNG just how the nature of ITAs work?
> Which part of his night abilities are negative utility?

ā€“also, now that I think about it: @Dark_Joycat, how did you plan to let Marl give someone Multi-Target? What if Marl decided to give it a couple minutes before the action submission deadline? Wouldnā€™t that mean that heā€™d just waste that ability?

This wonā€™t confuse colorblind people, not in the slightest.
Actually are there colorblind people playing FM?

I dunno your the one doing it

Skill issue


Wait a minute. I just realized something.
This is a haiku. Were all the other posts you made at the beginning of the game also haikus!?

If this is for an ability, then I know what your flavor is. \o/

Rookie numbersā€¦



Read again.
I referred the one which gives only strong modifiers but only to non-mafia players.
Maybe compulsive is the worst modifier of all, but it canā€™t be attached to killing abilities, so itā€™s not that bad.


Just sitting on Creature all day is boring, someone dayvig them :gun:

Ah, yeah. These are haikus. Iā€™ll just assume you got that person as your flavor.

ā€¦I wanted to make a haiku in response, but then I remembered I had to suffer a game where everyone had to speak in haikus, so Iā€™d rather not repeat that.

Good luck with the haikus!

Iā€™m personally okay with sitting on him all day.

Lolz me.

If Zone is town, then my reads made without relying on flips are super bad.

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You sounds very brave :see_no_evil:

Mainly the bipolar depression

333rd nya
