FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I don’t know how well you read players as Town, but what’s for sure is that you’ll die by my hands one way or another. (Even if it takes me multiple days’ worth of votes and ITAs…)

But Kiiruma…i win those.

You can just… read them.
They are in other threads.

Achro IC confirmed


I ask again: why do you think I’m mafia?

Link me those threads then because I don’t see them

What are you talking about?
Forced to use an ability which helps the opposite team is obviously a negative utility.

Even the other ability can help town as well. (Unless mafia has a player who has only killing abilities, but I doubt that being the case in a role madness)

Because of one singular reason: You started this. You voted me first. There is no return after that.

(In hindsight, it really does all amount to a simple OMGUS, doesn’t it? Well, no matter. This is fine.)

True and based

/shoot Jaiden

I regret reading GGhana’s ISO, especially since I didn’t get an alignment read from it.

Can I pocket you uwu?

Do you have any other reads?

Sadge I must rescind my town read

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nice marl flip

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I came in saying I was fine with his read on me and then learned that he flipped mafia.

I continue racking up Ls.

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poor guy randed wolf in anni22, fam2 and again here

at least i was freed this game

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I genuinely like these reads.

I think lol is town, unless he’s hard townsiding as a wolf.