FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

… i think i need to sleep
im staring at the things being posted and my only thought processes going on are like “those certainly are words.” and really wanting to stick my tongue out at litten

Oh I mean Arctic it’s something called… sarcasm.
It was about as fake as you can get lol, I had nothing really behind it, I just wanted to vibe.
Litten’s still a top townread to me.

My main thought it just whether or not I think catbae’s more likely to be killed tonight, than Litten lmao.
Because I want to do something to one of them

it’s kiiruma being intentionally obtuse
if we killed people for being intentionally obtuse, we wouldn’t have a lot of fol players left

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kiiruma is rand town

me too


do you like chocolate ice cream or pistachio ice cream more if you had to choose one



He was mafia that need to be killed in order to stop doomday weapon from last FAM game, I believed I mentioned that once before

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i just don’t know how that’s ever a thought you actually had since it was obvious litten was talking about himself but now you’re trying to play it down as sarcasm even when you clearly misunderstood what was going on

This post expresses itself to an unnecessarily performative and awkward degree, coming after Lol’s late entry into the thread. I would call this town but I think Lol has an idea of how he’s usually perceived and this post doesn’t strike me positively.

He then jumped onto the Creature wagon late using reasoning I don’t really get. Would a v!Creature be sheltered by wolves, is Lol calling them super polarised? (#5063)

Was Guava earnestly in agreement here or making a joke? (#5231)


i typod


Oh yeah agreed. he would comment on doing iso’s and reads on people but would say “later”. Is this town for him tho? i dont think i have played with evil gorta yet

Sabi is town.

i’d have to say pistachio by default because i don’t really like chocolate ice cream

flips table never again


What set v!Gorta apart last game was his early warmongering playstyle, if you understand what I mean by that. In AI UPick he pretty much needed to be convinced to appear in the game thread.

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is pistachio icecream just salty icecream?