FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

hippo out here about to say his only power is his voice and he doesn’t even have a vote

Kill all liars.

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I am a mason which is p good

I am a game ending unjester.

He was calling himself town because of marl’s flip
You thought he was calling marl town after marl flipped

It made no sense when I literally had no context about the drone and was asking where and when did the sr start.

I’m what ways was that TMIING

Like clearly it was a twist of what haplened

Based and goated


mafia fan probably reveal mafia players for extra KP

MODS!!! straight to prison

wtf i haven;t moved my vote

Anyway does anyone want a fun cw to creature since creature wagon is huge?


I’d vote you for this post if i didn’t already find a wolf

Whoever said Daeron is mafia was probably right I reckon

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im so sleepy and dont understand why creature is scum other than being demotivated in a game with 6000 posts in 12 hours

Arctic, in what world do I believe he was actually calling marl town? :\
Like, seriously… that’s not misunderstanding that is me just being, as Ashlyn suscintly put it, obtuse.
And being a sarcastic, jokey bitch

Mine will get me killed in a day or two so dw I get it

Creature is a pro masher a d this post count is nothing

He doesn’t get demotivated by post clunt

I mean yeah that’s why I didn’t think it was a real thought fromyo u lol but I guess you are admitting it now

Why do you have 70 posts?