FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


I don’t have a reason I just trust Kiiruma cuz he said the info

VOTE: guavagudetama

I hear that a lot
they’re always wrong

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if u want…its 2023 i cant stop u

he was joking

I’m not even trying and it’s already more logical than whatever you’re saying.

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allow me to be the change

someone might want to see

Yeah, people can and will believe the wildest things tbh

yeah they’re believing completely unbelievable things
there’s no way they believe me voting Wazza is scummy
even if it was for a genuine reason, why is voting someone who hasn’t spoken yet scummy anyway?
and I had also said I was testing the voting mechanic? idk its weird

welcome to the light. we will be killing you tomorrow

okay but also



In a 58 player game if you make a solve with 1 out of 6 it’s a better chance of being right then a 1 out of 3.

Considering the fact I know I’m town, believe GGhana is probably town and have little idea about Leafia.

shouldn’t most wolf reads be atleast rand chance of being wrong; if you’re giving >rand reads then you’re not really telling us anything, you’re just reading out probabilities

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if I thought this about every villager I pushed I’d have a zero percent winrate

Can u even give a game as an example lmao

I don’t know what Guava does or does not believe

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I mean sure just like how I believed I wouldn’t be a heavy hardcore drug user here I am