FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I love Arctic :two_hearts: :heart_eyes: heart

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Craziest bastard role ever 10 out of 10

but the premise for it was that you were TMI’ing marl town? it’s kind of pointless to make that push as a wolf knowing that it would be disproven after marl flipped, which we knew was probably going to happen. and a bunch of people melded with it as well lol

i am already back

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That’s cause Zorvo is a woof

Could I interest you in cannibal + professor?

Arctic since you are town leader, what should I be looking at?

you say these things just to hurt me but i know im winning
because you are yet to go to sleep

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I’m glad to see this game is less understandable than the last one

These characters aren’t jinxed.

Well that’s cause Leafia is obv town

Pretty sure I never even voted you so was hardly a push, was literally just a comment and it made sense at time. It takes 5 seconds to iso host to see event and understand why Marl is dying.

I think it is a fairly common occurrence that if a Towny is getting vigged or killed, wolves sometimes tmi that a towny is dying and act all confused “omg why on earth is this TOWNY getting vigged”

Unsure how you jump to conclusion that I twisted it not that I was just incorrect in this instance.

oh… god thats awful. i only just realised how bad that is

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I don’t care about that part, I care about the bad push on my post when it was clearly false since I literally entered the thread confused.

ain’t no way

i’m not the town leader, tyrone is the town leader

do you have a reads on jaiden and daeron

i think they’re both probably mafia but jaiden won’t shut up so it will probably be quite hard to kiill her

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i’m more of an alch + psychopath guy myself

not a gamebreaking combo i just think it’s funny

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Travellers aren’t jinxed with any character.

Why would a wolf not enter thread confused if they see a towny was getting vigged?

Nah Alch + Pithag is the og

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