FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

30 minutes in and out

The fact there’s no D1 death event makes me sad.
Means we don’t have an extra wolf out than we would have.

we’re about 2/5’s done?

you feed us food and of course i get slapped with the association to marl

god dammit

You know what I’ll accept this

Htis feels like a weird thought to fake as wolf

These posts do not have the wolf texture to them. They are very assumptionful in a way that jumps out. Kiiruma is very flat and textureless as wolf I think

Aw you’re doing fine! I’m awkward too lol

On an unrelated note did you witness the drone strike?

It was a spectacle to the eye

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Assumptionful is such a word of all time

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I wish I was wolf rn just so I could make you eat those words.

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Don’t worry. You’ll be ITAd first.


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Every day I am inventing new words as the old ones do not sufficiently convey my meanings for me

Not if I ita you first!

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at least i can say i get decently good vibes from mays posts currently but like

i’m probably gonna wait for more bc i know she is good at the game

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Lock v

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Marl is our D1 death.

Need more death