What a trustworthy statement

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Wow, that’s gross.
I’ll be joining anyway.

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Imagine being an Aussie and seeing this.


I’m curious to know what people think my role could be, given that I haven’t done anything crazy recently.

i can confirm. fucking disgusting

i have a good idea but it relates to an ongoing game so I Cannot

Probably something about breaking the forums

Idk why it quoted a random word lmao, I hit reply

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The charges for my ban were never proven and that’s why I was released.


I’m sure they’ll have a lot of trouble with my role, given the most intuitive ability, “you lose the game”, might result in some balance issues.

They’ll give you Heretic.


Consider it provisional.

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oh no what did derps do

/Very low effort in (yes, again)

I might be in delegation when it starts. Around 50/50 chance. There is a delegation, but we don’t know who will go there yet.

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I don’t want to directly but this is a yearly site thing so I might as well be part of it.

This as well.

/Low Effort Slank In

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Shit though I might get ITA’ed if I slank too much.

Meh idk I’ll figure it out.

FYI: I’m trying to improve, no meta shit this game on me plz and thanks.

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/in. Hopefully I get the Leafia role.

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Nah i dibsed it no take backs

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that actually owns