You can get the role of somebody you don’t even know.

I know I know :sweat_smile:. trust me kiiruma has been telling me alot about this style of FM game since i joined

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It’s fun.

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@Magnus I marked you as in, let me know if that’s wrong

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It looks like you marked me as Magnus.


why is this game called redemption
who is being redeemed

Hello, thank you for asking! The person being redeemed is You, The Player Reading This. Playing FAM3 will, in fact, cleanse your soul and absolve all of your sins, effective immediately and indefinitely.


Let’s just take a moment to remember those potential FM players that could have been here.

Chuck… Oh man I miss him he was so good, he has been ghosting me for years now, it’s unfortunate too. His last wolf game, a Townie said he was really good and can become a powerful player but looks like Chuck kinda dipped outta contact and FM during Collage.

Only A, He was good, he was a big help in my Pro Mafia Server, he was an admin of mine. He is currently I think out of collage now and got his computer programming degree I believe. He said he doesn’t plan to play FM anymore and says he mainly played FM because he was kinda a loner that didn’t have many friends and he said now he has multiple and groups of different friends and doesn’t plan to get back into FM anymore.

DragonClaw66 never played FM but the way he spoke on the site showed he could have been a real good player or had the potential to be. I am in contact with him and I showed him what Only A said and DragonClaw basically said he is similar to where during Collage, things changed.

Mystoc. Boy I wanted this guy to play FM and he never did and I have no idea where he is now.

Mafia Meance, not sure about him, I think it’s like I lost contact with him a year or two ago and can’t find him anywhere.

Solarkoid I’m not sure what’s going on with him, I invited him though, he is busy with collage I believe.

Eragon I miss and he never talks to me, I wanna see Eragon again and play with them! :sob:



Oh I forgot about Spak. I don’t think he is available to play nowadays.

Bro we aiming for 100 let’s Go!





hi gghana

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Im ready for my 2nd forum mafia game to be a goofy game


/in >.<


Hello I haven’t seen you here for a while.

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Start date looks good, I shouldn’t be busy then.



Plot twist: My soul isn’t getting cleansed because I haven’t signed up :upside_down_face: