He dumped a bunch of catchup posts in the thread that he claimed to write overnight and said he did not vote for king



When can i shoot?

this is very unlike leafia
if she has a read she normally pushes for it
instead of disregard it at the first sign of trouble

I tried for like 2 minutes before deciding that was too much effort

Second question:
Can the other person be voted outside of the thunderdome? (so as the normal execution)

in like 5.5 hours i think

like 7 hours 25m

It looks similar to how I’ve seen him make sort of lazy pushes as town recently though
But idk I should prob iso him

oh yeah that

i have some hilarious news i dont remember my last like 5 games here and i dont know why

Five hours and 25 minutes

were you actually poe in that game or otherwise pushable?

Thats wolfy behavior actually

what nutella said
i was reading the time wrong

yea when she hopped off the wagon yesterday (idr which wagon but i voted her for it) it was a huuuge red flag

her posting since has been ok though?? idk

like no recollection. they are gone

i read chloe posts

@magnus what was your main point? tbh i kinda like the posts chloe has on marl bc they seem to be lacking tmi more than anything

I’m stumped at this one I’ve no idea