ok yea so benguin is town or lw lol

bad reasoning

you should read someones posts before you vote them

Didn’t I just say that?

Am searching for why the shot on me came to be and

Where dafuq did this logic come from
The alt is most likely whoever holds my flavor, not necessarily myself lol

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FAM 3 Role Design Contest: Voting Time

The following roles were submitted to the FAM 3 Role Design Contest:

Role 1:

you are member of the mafia
you are incapable of posting more than 5 times per day

Role 2:

Zorvo, Town Powerhouse

Allignment: Town

You know all of the wolves and you know exactly what to do to oust them and claim that glorious wolf pelt for your own, all you have to do is convince the town that that player is obviously evil and they need to die immediately. And if you’re wrong, well, you’ll be right the next time.


Active(Town Core Directive): Target A Player. You will steal an active ability that your target has. If they have multiple, one will be chosen at random. The victim of your theft will not be able to use the stolen ability until it is returned. They will instead recieve feedback that their ability failed, if applicable. Attempting to steal a limited use ability will fail.

You are unable to steal more than one ability at a time. If you target a player that is a member of the scum faction, you will die.

Active (Return): Return the stolen ability. You will be able to steal another ability the following night.

Role 3:


You are SirDerpsAlot, Town CHLOAT. There are 3 constants in life. Death, Taxes, and SirDerpsAlot vigging Chloe. Killing her is your bread (get it?) and butter. So what is a more fitting role for SirDerpsAlot than to give him a full warchest of ways to ensure she is toast.

Peanut Butter Jar (Passive) - You can only target Chloe. No, not the user Chloe. Like the player Chloe. Of the FreakinB Variety. Why? because fuck you chloe that’s why lol rekt.

Potatoe (Night): Choose one of the following. You may not choose an action again until all other actions have been chosen an equal number of times.

  • Ol’ Reliable : Shoot Chloe, killing her.
  • Moldy bread : Poison Chloe, killing her at the end of the day if she is not healed
  • Mafoa : Kill Chloe immediately if she makes a spelling error the next day. Guarunteed (Not mechanically she just cannot fucking spell)
  • MY BOY : katze will post a picture of Sensei in the thread. If Chloe likes the post, she dies instantly. If she doesn’t like the post she is permanantly banned becuase who the fuck wouldn’t like Sensei???

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Role 4:

You are Katze, Third Party Toxicity Serial Killer. You have many claims to fame as a member of FoL, both on the site itself as well as bringing home a mafia Championship! What really drives you though is your thirst for blood. Sometimes as a wolf, sometimes as town, and sometimes as just an idle passerby delivering quick witted retorts at those foolish enough to still play mafia full time. Given your zeal knows no bounds, we found it fitting to have you looking out for number one. Of course, there is the small matter of you being used as the example in the new toxicity rules…

I’m a lost wolf trust me bro (Passive): The Mafia are aware that your role is present in the game.

im gay (Passive): Your ITA shot has a 50% chance to hit.

Regicide (Passive): If you ITA the King, even if the shot misses, you can use both of your night actions in the same night.

:nerd_face: (Day): Saying ‘[Alive Player Name here] is a nerd’ at least once will have you show up as the Town faction to any relevant scans the following night.

I don’t think I should be blamed for pushing a misexecution on katze. When she faked a redcheck on Chloe and Chloe flipped town, I assumed she wouldn’t make a play like that as town, and I think that was a reasonable assumption since faking redchecks on villagers is a really bad play. (Night): You will kill a random member of the Mafia faction that is not otherwise protected. This cannot be roleblocked.

katze is one of the stupidest players I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I play with them they make some sort of dumb read that no one understands and get upset at people for not listening. I wish she would just quit the site. (Night): You will kill a random member of the Town faction that is not otherwise protected. This cannot be roleblocked.

You win and leave the game victorious when any of the following happens:

  • You reach the final 3 players alive and the other two players are not of the same faction

  • You avoid being voted or ITA shot at for the first three game days

  • You kill 3 Mafia and 3 Town with your respective night actions.

Role 5:


You are Apocryphal, the Nyuetral Nyaster Disaster . If there’s one thing you can do, it’s Nya. Your nya’s strike fear in the hearts of Townies and Wolfies alike. Some may say your influence comes from just speaking, others find themselves compelled to NYA with you. With this power you shall rule over FoL, and destroy all who oppose you.

Your Nyajesty (Passive): You are immune to any and all “nya”-based effects.

Nyathing Wrong? (Passive): If a whole day goes by without a single player besides you saying “Nya”, you will die at the End of Day.

Nya Nya Nya (Day): If you are the start of a Nya quotechain, future Nyas will give each player who Nya-ed a different effect.

First Nya - Yours. No obvious effect.
Second Nya - The Nya-ing player gains a one use tin of catnip, which will make their invest results fail for the night.
Third Nya - The Nya-ing player gains a cat tower, protecting them from being killed that night.
Fourth Nya - The Nya-ing player will die instead of you should you be killed that Day.
Fifth Nya - At the end of the next day, forum chat will be flooded with cat gifs.
Sixth Nya - The Nya-ing player will turn into a cat, and be forced to Nya for the rest of the game, or be modkilled.
Seventh Nya - The Nya-ing player joins a neighborhood with every other player who has Nya-ed this game. They must decide on a sacrifice to Nyagurroth by the EoN, else they all will die.
Eighth Nya - Nyabody can die for the next Night. Any attempts to will fail without any claws explaining why.
Ninth Nya - Nyaobody can win the game while you still live. You are so close to freedom.
Tenth Nya - It is time. You ascend to your full godly power, bathing the other players in your demonic light, converting them all, dead and alive, to your side. You all win together and collectivize into the dynyasty. You shall rule together forever more.

Oh Nyo (Night): A random player who has Nya-ed throughout the game will die each night.

You win the game when the Tenth Nya is uttered in a row.

Role 6:


insert image
Town Post Liker

Post liker (Passive) - You may like posts while dead.

Role 7:


Town (anti)social

You are ParticleMan, Town most social player. while you are alive, everyone disagreeing you is against you. And you make sure, that it happens. Even making some sacrifices.

You are scum (day, immidiate, 1-shot): Mark one player as scum. The will change their wincon to scum wincon. (They are notified, if they didn’t have that wincon already, but they stay as their original alligment. They will flip with this wincon, if they die.) You have to claim publicly that they are scum.
You are town (day, immidiate, unlimited): Mark one player as town. You have to claim publicly that you are townreading them. If they revealed to be town by any means. You gain an additional shot for You are scum
I’m not a conversion role (passive) If you die, everyone marked as scum will gain back their original wincon. (Even if dead) But you won’t read this line anyway, so you don’t care.

You win the game when the Mafia and all other threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Vote privately for your favorite role! Votes are due by 1 hour before EoD to give us time to tally them.

You may not vote for a role you submitted.

If you submitted a role and do not vote, you will lose 1 vote from your final score.

As a reminder, you may not talk or hint about which role you submitted. If you talk or hint about which role you submitted, you will be disqualified.

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I hate that shot but Chloe townreads them so I have to hold back my bloodlust :eek:

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yea but i didnt realize the role said unknown reviewer

it is moderately possible that I missed a submission. if I missed yours, tell me ASAP.

Amelia id recommend you shut up unless you want to be featured in a modpost of the bee movie script

But is the reviewer town or mafia? That begs the question

it says they dont know who the reviewer is
so benguin is like confirmed non-groupscum

I mean

Given that the role was mafia

Would be kinda broken for the reviewer to share a private chat w then

Good points, it still might be mafia

Eliza is confirmed.

@beancat current thoughts on thread state?

I want more people to die so i have less ppl i need to read

I havent read jack shit that doesnt directly ping me or is particularly interesting to me

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Hmm so what do you think when guava mention benguin, sulit and italy?

I’m literally in the same boat x.x
Plus the people I was kinda wary of have mostly died

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can you link/quote me what you mean