Okay, I haven’t read the thread since my last appearance here, but the Zenon shot was ostensibly the shot for a 100% ITA wolf. Killing someone who is neither towncore or in the immediate POE. The Demon says that Atlas shot to the top of their list for that.

Leafia is town, don’t shoot Frost. Cool.

Silviu flipping wolf is a nice surprise.

Zorvo quoted Guava

And by that I mean what Guava is saying

Okay so yeah. This is bad.

Nah its okay, I think Atlas is town

He just suck at shooting

oh i dont think that means anything for sulit/italy

i dont really believe in rule of three tbh

Last time I deduced someone, I was dead and I end up being right

No thanks to magnus :roll_eyes:

what do you think it means then?

italy wolf from the rule of 3, or?

Someone wake me up when the thread drops below 30 ppl

Back to sleep I go, my ability refreshing cookie is still up for grabs :cookie:

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If he does, that would make guava have TMI

Plus the interaction with silviu wasnt that interesting

Wait… YBW shot Silviu?

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Yeah he did

A few players were already talking about shooting Silviu, would you say from your perspective that felt like an inevitable kill that w!YBW would capitalise on or was it theoretical?

@Magnus is it just me or did you barely appear during D1? I might just missed you though

Guava’s excuse for having silviu as town that he’s forgettable

Guava didnt remember Silviu’s ice cream flavor D1 because I brought that topic back

Guava did ‘trust’ Silviu but D1 interaction shows none of that


good rule of thumb in mashes is to not kill people who kill wolves early

even if they are wolves, they have shown the willingness to murder their own


omg im dumb for some reason i replaced guava and silviu in my mind so was reading it as if it was from a flipped wolf lol

yea i dont think that makes guava wolf at all, and even if guava does end up being a wolf, rule of 3 is really faulty in my opinion - maybe you’re right maybe you’re wrong but i put no stock in ro3 reads it feels rand

i do think you’re being rather villagery though