lets phrase it like this
catbae has 8 votes
litten has zero

you, town!kii, decide to vote for litten who has 0, instead of cat who has 8
thus, the wolfteam, who have 9 votes for some scum whos about to be ita’d, gets a free nightvig because of your vote

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I kind of think bean wanting to king a sus person is TWTBAW

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imagine wolf day vig instantly snipes the person who becomes king

actually it’s a serial killer

I mean Gorta himself is probably a wolf.

wow you made me feel important, i never lead itas lmfao

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this is where im at rn tbh

This is funny
I think you should do it for the memes

my role in ITA’s is usually snipping a wolf not leading them

It says may, because you don’t have to.

But if you vote, you may vote in your RC…

It’s simple english

considering how funny it would be to hipfire kill jake day 2 two mashes in a row

I just realized slanktai is insomnia lol

I am slow

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is it really a hipfire this time

why do u think this

it’s a hipfire if i say it is

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if scum continues the trend of trying to make me mech worthless they might’ve lowered my ita chance
we’ll see

Actually I need a check on this.

Has Gorta tried doing things this game?

mafia actually just have ten arsonists and we are doomed


L take

Yup. I think so anyway.