FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

they shot at scum

you still like that vote?

Who did they shoot at


Didnt silviu wanna dir tho?

nah backup is a nerf

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Why Chloe of all people?

Okay they are fine right now then



chloe has a lot of things goin for them atm

dont suspect them at all (yet)

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Which is why I’m confused Demisha suspects her

i have already shot, so you are safe for today, at least from my side

but if i don’t see any villageriness, i might just shoot you tomorrow

wonder if demisha is scum who saw that chloe tr’d people who suspected her and went for it

it does feel like Italy posts a lot of fluff from what I can tell


is that a town italy thing?

Villageriness isn’t real

(For legal reasons this is a joke)

Evil town.

Also, I change my mind, 24/24 as a mash format sucks I hate sleeping in the middle of game and losing all ability to know what the fuck is going on

Evil town


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12/12 can get brutal if you live most of the game though because you are kind of overloaded

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