FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

Ostensibly outed off meta. I think May would be aware of this much, so if they’re still lurking it’s because they don’t want to spew anything I guess. It’s a shame though.

Wtf Chloe just ignored my townread on them now I’m mad

I ended up trying to solve overnight in poke mash it was not a good idea

I mean, we won

but I should have slept more

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Just don’t live

Also remember that nights are no mafia time
Do not mafia during nights not good for health

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I survived 3 assassination attempts in that game.

I’m sorry.


Skill issue


What was Kork’s claim someone said they claimed

I’m thinking fourteen.

true tbh


day 3 day vig

Oh was that a real claim

14 sounds correct given game size


it better be or we’re smoking him tomorrow.

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May would like you to know from the past that putting effort into writing walls are NAI for them, apparently.

that’s a MU meme.

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I’d say around 14 is correct if there was no Neutrals, but apparently people disagree.

I genuinely think around 11 would be the correct answer.

That post is a copypasta I am only posting it for humor™

neutrals might be non killing tho like brad was

Walls are cringe tbh

either way we’ve killed 7 non town out of 15 non modkills

that’s pretty fucking dope

even if 2 of them were over my town read objections but

… 3 actually, poor kiiruma