FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

People on MU tld me that doctor zeus was super town in a game a couple of weeks ago. I had to stomp my feet to say he was wolf siding.

He was a wolf.

idk meta arguments, others can speak on it, but I just think town has a lot of kp and so far you’re the only person who has used it to kill town

it’s a little worrisome.

I’m just very very bored with the thread state and wagons
And I can hope that both May and Italy flip scum but that won’t change their alignments

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atm I am guessing may town and italy scum

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you can read zorvo
you’ve failed to read me

i was given the goahead by various people to shoot her and it wouldve happened in a worse time later on if i had not

(For the record the reason I say it’s wolfy is because I think Wind shouldn’t be calling May a frozen wolf since I really don’t think they had that strong of a read there)


But wolves in mashes like plausible shots.

PoE is PoE, if you think I am misclearing people above you your time would be better served there tbh

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Oh I was referring to Italy more than May

as far as im aware our last game together was hells echoes, which you decided to read zorvo instead of me, for the reason stated that you dont know how to read me

I’m still undecided on May and think it’s reasonably likely they flip town but just have low motivation

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Yeah but you said wolves :gun:

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kill achro day 1 and stop playing the game because you already know the result


If May is a wolf then I guess they gave up
If May is town then they also gave up

zorvo is super easy it’s true

but I am not going to just throw my hands up and not try just because I haven’t had success in the past. No hydra this time for me to have as a crutch.

of course
i was just curious if you had any valiable reason

Nah, it’s MOSTLY that I have a lot of town reads tbh.

You aren’t like super scummy or anything.

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Good moron int what happened


The thread state indicates that people still think May is a wolf, so if I say frozen wolveS it’s just whatever
I don’t think it’s that arguable, like i said, my opinion doesn’t matter

Thanks Litten

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You cleared me too easily, I’m being wolfy now to compensate

well its also that we think jarek is for sure town lol