FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

That much i understood lol

we dont have much choice on may

Did amythint cool happen

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your defense started with “everyone told me i was wrong on zorvo, and i was right, so you cant tell me im wrong”
however, you can read zorvo, and you’ve failed to read me in the games we’ve played
that isnt comparable, and its more likely you are simply wrong

there’s no reason to argue with you on this read past this point for a multitude of reasons, though

Windy thinks I am a Godfather help

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she does not.

@WindwardAway wtf


can we stop talking about may
they gave up regardless of their alignment which is understandable because we are never killing jarek over them

let’s discuss people who aren’t dying and should be dying

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it was a theory that she stated several times was just that, and wasnt very likely whatsoever

Atlas you take me too seriously sometimes.

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I promise beneath my armor of ego and scars I am very whimsical.

im sick
i dont have a remote sense of tone at the moment

Italy’s ate earlier made me want to kill more lowkey

nice crosspost

Anyway I could be wrong on you, obviously.

But it’s my list so weh

i can help you, if you want

i think i want to survive tonight anyway

I dont have a gun among my many event items if that’s your worry.

that extra shot is not a part of my role

Italy can still die
I just think it’s a bit boring but I also think there’s nothing in his favor