FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 3] - [n2] [35 alive] i just ate pizza

jane do you have any reaction to my justification of the post you said was super scummy
because this literally happened in my last botc game

Can you please wait till ita session that i have been waiting for all day before shooting and killing us both thanks

you got a town rolecard? like you received zorvo’s rolecard in scumchat n0?

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going to catch up now and read his claim because i saw that briefly as i was leaving

No I have no reaction

What have you done this game that screams town?

Do you not know how a desperado works

no i just forgot but i definitely did see it before
it just slipped my brain

Wooo i am thoughtless!

begone thought

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No i asked but no one anwered

i assume i die and u also die if im town

Not as strong on le hippo anymore because he was v when he did the same shit last game

But im unenthused

Informing Dem?


I pointed catbae towards Creature.

Me? Hippo?

Okay round 3

@Arctic - it could be nutella I guess. She’d be playing a really strong game by her standards but i am kind of sketched by her seemingly mostly adapting to thread state today and am kinda skeeved by pushes. but i wouldn’t say it’s a for sure thing at all just someone i’d keep an eye on. i still liked her in terms of tone day 1


are you still going to push me despite the fact you have no reason