FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

Wow. That fricking sucks.
(Then again, do I really want Chloe to live…?)
Yes, I do. Because the last time I stated I want to shoot her, I nearly got stung by the hivemind.
(But… isn’t that what we want anyway? To get shot at?)
Not if it’s something like Arctic’s dayvig, no. We can’t protect ourselves from those.
(Ugh. Fine. Frost stays alive. For now.)

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it didn’t work on my phone as of 2020 but idk about your phone in 2023

it didnt hosts just spelt it wrong

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I was in D&D neighborhood with Eliza, Hippo and Nuto. Chloe is added today


is your phone a brick

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u can try rq, u dont need to download it and u dont need an account afaik

@Frostwolf103, the more you talk, the more I want you dead regardless of the consequences.

thanks i was wondering

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I tend not to let the party down

Just STFU.

mafia coordinated this so maybe if you kill the mafia dnd guy you can then kill frost

please dont harass users

can someone post the list of mech ppl and nonmech ppl again pls

Wasn’t the dragon deemed innocent in court?

hey take a deep breath

no need to be rude

None taken

isn’t it not guilty not innocent
