FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

He started it first. Hurt people hurt.
IDC if two wrongs don’t make a right; I’ll still do it.

oh lemme see

event signups

  1. @nutella
  2. @tutuu
  3. @Chloe
  4. @Wazza
    5 - 12.

three minutes to join!

if you think he’s wrong for doing it it just makes you wronger for falling for it

Nah. I’ll just kill Frost when I get the chance to do it.

So someone who attacked Frost is not guilty?

Seems like a stretch of interpretation

is dragon jarek

have we really sunk so low we are looking into the metaphorical meaning behind flavor the host gives us


/in @Dark_Joycat

i feel like hosts are laughing at us for reading-

yea that litten LMAO

Okay apologize for that, I am trying to stay alive with the folk from d&d hood anc I was upset hippo died for nothing

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frost who have u shot this game

Frost just town

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@Atlas i just tested skribble io on phone it works

Define “doing it” and “falling for it”, because all he did was call me an idiot. (And yes: I take great offense to that.)

Me being “more wrong” than him is irrelevant to me. I want him dead (in-game), period.


/in @Dark_Joycat

Because he have pfp look like me?

if it fails gimme 5m and i’ll be on a cpu

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I mean like a dragon

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jarek’s pfp is a dragon