FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

and achro
and leafia

Sadly true but I’m not worried. I can’t really see us losing this at the moment.

What is the meaning of this

Why are you calling this mafia dnd

VOTE: Ashlyn

yeah I mean wolves don’t have the man power I think to kill confirmed town quick enough

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My bad.

the dungeonmaster claimed to be alignment-neutral and just there to host a pseudo-event
u can get rewards from encounters or die in encounters or whatever
idk if its a mafia role it could just be a nerdy host thing

Didn’t crazynuto say something about d&d earlier or am I stupid

have you gotten any rewards

emoji modposter

that part was an event reward

its probably just a nerdy host thing because arete wants to reward their players for playing or somethin


no we havent done anything yet but eliza/frost got an award earlier

oh mb

i forgot abt the modposts

@Achromatic Insomnia somehow knows about the existence of ‘mafia dnd’

lemme recheck what they got

yes, i read the thread xD

fail rp?

all the easy mafia are dead this is so sad


@Litten I can’t find the post-death note from row’s role.

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