FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

@Achromatic I have no idea what Frost is talking about

it was “oh no!!!”

Whats the words you gave ne

im just outting whaat they got idc we need everything we can get

they were told apo has apprentice flavor

wat are you on about



Can we stop killing people who are active wolves clearly are not


So they did die?

Doesn’t apprentinfe go in a lot of miscs

yea hes the misc man

i mean the dnd thing could be app lol

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why wasn’t tbis told to us before
@Apocryphal coaim

You missed a bunch but thats okay

did they just get to flabor cop a person of their choice

Actually it was randomly picked

checking if theres any other info

no they were told it as a reward for winning something - they never selected apo

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(To be fair my brain has been fairly broken I’ve been forgetting everything and not processing anything)

I remember killing Magnus min (bad kill) and sadbi but nobody else

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We are still crazy ahead just a lot of dead v