FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

honestly you should have just denied every setup lol

well i didn’t know mafia was sending it. i honestly assumed it was the hosts. and as outlined earlier i did have somewhat of a mechanical incentive to accept setups

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Chloe write a list of people you want dead

i do not know
lemme think

fair point i guess


guava i thought was town, was scum
may i thought was scum, was scum
gorta was zero thoughts, was scum
arctic i thought was town, was town
zorvo was town by ”content”, but i was paranoid as hell, was town
magnus i thought was town, was town
min i thought was town, was town
cape90 and cheesethatiscloned i thought were both scum and were both town, but they’re the same person so i’m counting it as one misread
sadbi was at null, they were town

so 5/7 on reads
don’t… know how i feel about that

list of the living is still insanely large so i guess i’ll go back later if this fucking migraine ever stops
i got water but it hasn’t helped yet

i mean i think evo should die just because he has nothing going for him and i feel like we’re being dumb keeping him alive


massively agree
kill my pet read

he could be town but you gotta resolve those slots before endgame

Maybe you’re right. VOTE: Ev

yea exactly

we could kill beancat

VOTE: Ev.o

jane has a rly strong tr there but idr why



at least one of nuto/gghana HAS to be a wolf right
its really hard to find them in the remaining list

i just heard fireworks outside
i’m gonna die


Grrrr…now he can definitely die for making me take multiple attempts to get his name right to vote him.


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if beancats a wolf i have a certifiable insane person reason for that being the case but i wont share the logic in case its wrong and i look stupid

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