FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

@Hazardwaste, shoot me!

I have yet to actually play a proper game of Warhammer 40k :pensive:

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I got recruit edition Necrons, a half built squad of immortals and the Votann Army Box that I need to build and paint.

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I played one at a board game convention and then I play 2v1 with my friends (Iā€™m the 1 because I have the largest army thatā€™s mostly assembled)

I nearly sorceled them to death but they made a comeback

it make more sense for them to shoot ybw if youā€™re actually town with your claimed ability?
if you only get buffed for the day of and the shot hits it would be better to just
hit ybw

Whoops. I meant 23.38%

Cause they both had melee armies and mine was ranged

if you i shoot you your just gonna shoot me back

I have done a uhhh
Vague 1v1v1v1 Kill Team though

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if zone shoots u back we will vote him out dw


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Lol I havent finished assembling my scarab occult terminators, I finished one guy and even painted him but I procrastinated the rest

It do be like that

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Yeah, but really: When else do I get to use my ability!?

I am stuck in this POE hellhole because I couldnā€™t prove my ability in the first place!

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I prefer painting once everything is built tbh

YBW will shoot you to prove it

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w/e you wouldve been fine odds are

Iā€™ve been hella procrastinating the tzaangors cause there were two ā€œminiatures of the monthā€ in June so I spent too much time assembling and painting those at the Warhammer store

I mean she had a less than 5% to hit but