FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

No. I’ll shoot YBW. (Even though shooting nutella is the better choice IMO.)

You are Town for void striking Daeron at D2.


Actually I haven’t painted the tyranid yet but I did almost finish the saurus

Does she have a 100% ITA shot? If not, then I request Hazard as backup shot.

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Does it have to hit you?

It do be like that

I’m procrastinating building my dwarves because building is pain

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And because Brain go brrrrrrrr

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yeah exactly u wouldve been fine

The tyranid is the first push-fit model ive assembled and holy hell that is way easier than hoping the glue will stick before I let go


i have a 100% chance to hit my 15% chance


Yes. I was already shot by Jarek.
Also, read:

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T r u e

Pushfit is so great

Except when you’re pushfitting a Necron’s head to his body and the peg doesn’t want to go in

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Lmao yeah I had to trim one of the pegs cause it didn’t fit

The result of this was me using three pliers/tweezers to force the fuckers together

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any reccomendations for games i should buy during the steam sale? anything is welcome, tho i would esp love some new rhythm games

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free and already own

ight fine. i’ll ita you next ita round

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